When things Don't go as planned.
When things don't go as planned it simply means that God has a better plan for you. This is what I've been telling myself for a very long time now. My favorite verse in the whole world is Romans 8:28. I won't write it here so you can go and search it up :)
Nine month ago I tried my very best to do everything right during my pregnancy so I can have a natural birth, and be up and about in no time. I was avoiding another C-section because I knew it will take me longer to recover and get back to work. Not that I don't like rest, I just don't like being still, especially if I have a business to run. Unfortunately, (or fortunately) I ended up having a planned C-section due to some health complication.
Elikia arrived two weeks early on the 5th of November. He was born at 11:00 am weighting almost 4 kg. He's very peaceful and calm, sleeps really well and feeds all the time, no! seriously, all the time. Did I mention that he's very cute? Oh yes he is, he's stolen our hearts and caused timed to be still. All we do is stare at how beautiful he is, we are pretty much obsessed with him.

I honestly believe that I needed a C-section so I can be still. The fact that I'm physically unable to drive for six weeks and not able to do much has allowed me to rest, relax and bond with Elikia. It really was a blessing in disguise, because I can guarantee you, if I had a natural birth, best believe I would be planning December markets right now.
God knew that if it was up to me I wouldn't have allowed myself to rest. That is why Roman 8:28 plays such an important role in my life. If you haven't read it yet. What are you waiting for?
Bee Loko
Meet Baby Elikia ( Elikia means Hope in Lingala.)
Well done sister that’s such an incredible story!!! Elekia is a beautiful and cute Baby sista thank you for sharing Your story wilh us❤❤ Elekia i wish you the best in your life may u are already blessed everything u will do will be good Elekia we love you and we are waiting for you in Graz🥰❤
Child of hope. Child of destiny. How fortunate to come to a family of such faith 😍
Welcome Elikia. All the best with your mission to slow your mama up 😂
Well done my big sister I’m so proud and happy for you. May God bless you more and more. Baby Elikia is so beautiful I want to hold him in my Arms 😍😍😍❤️
What a beautiful blessing he is indeed. Beautiful read Bee.
So incredibly amazing story. I’m so happy for you and the family. God always has the best plans for us indeed. Elikia is absolutely scrumptious and thank you for sharing him with us. ❤️❤️❤️
Absolutely beautiful. Thanks for the reminder Bee ❤️
Well said Bee, just as proverb 19:21 says many are the plans in man’s heart but it’s the Lord’s purposes that prevails.
We should always surrender to God’s will, even if it’s not what we envisioned for ourselves for His plan for us are perfect and under His will we are covered.
Good job with resting and taking care of yourself.
Elikia is a cutie…
Beautiful and you’re fight gotta trust God has a bigger plan!
And of course he’s super cute!! Look who he has for a mama haha love you
Wow beauty baby, I know you tried your best to avoid c section, but God knows best and job well done mummy of 3!!
Oh my gosh Bee!!! This blog, and Elikia are so beautiful! Elikia has the most gorgeous mum ever! 😍
Beautiful. Congratulations Bee. 💙✨